Kirsten Sevig's profile

Gold In The Air Of Summer

I was inspired on Iceland's first day of summer, which is celebrated quite prematurely in April, to create a piece about summer. I thought immediately of a song I love by Kings of Convenience, an indie folk-pop duo from Norway, called Gold In The Air Of Summer. The song talks about a place by the sea with an overgrown garden, peeling paint, and ships inside of bottles... so I ran with that theme and investigated some common plants in overgrown gardens and the weeds I remembered from summer days spent in Norway as a child. Here are some photos of my process, from a thumbnail concept sketch in my sketchbook to adding the last details with gouache over my watercolor painting. I hope you enjoy it!
Gold In The Air Of Summer

Gold In The Air Of Summer

A self-directed personal project illustrating song lyrics by Kings of Convenience using gold ink, watercolor, and a little white gouache for high Read More
